Monday, February 6, 2012

Wifi best channel solution

In order to get a wifi network with better performence, it is necessary to take into account several parameters, such as the antenna, wifi mode, the conditions of the site, building materials, and also the channel where the wifi network is to be issued.

Today we will talk about how it is possible to improve by simply changing the channel to be issued:

First step:
Meet the networks that are in the field of action that we intend to improve.
To do this, we run a program that will indicate which channels are used by the networks with more power signal in range.


Second step:
Install the program, and run it.

Thrid step:
Observe the channels that all networks send and check which one (between 1 and 13) is free or with less used by other networks.

Fourth step:

Access your wifi router and look for the wireless configurations.
Change the channel to the least used

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